Prof. Dr. Suseela Prabhakaran, MBBS, MS(Oph), DO
Professional Experience
- Advisor in Ophthalmology to Govt of Kerala since 1992.
- Gold medallist for Final Year MBBS in Surgery
- Diploma in Ophthalmology 1968
- MS ( Ophthalmology ) 1973
- Knight of the blind award of Lions International
- Indian Red Cross Platinum Jubilee Award
WHO Fellowship in Ophthalmic Microsurgery in 1981 at:
- Moorfields Eye Hospital, London
- Karolinska hospital, Stockholm
- Aarhus Commune hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.

Awards Received
- Advisor in Ophthalmology to Govt of Kerala since 1992.
- Charter President of Inner Wheel Club of Trivandrum South which has taken up prevention of blindness as its continuing project
- Innerwheel District 321 Chairman 9192. IW District 321 comprises of 30 IW clubs spread over Kerala and Tamilnadu. Eye donation and Prevention of blindness was the district project
- Knight of the blind award by Lions International
- Platinum Jubilee Award of Indian Red Cross Society
- Has conducted several eye camps and Eye donation campaigns and programmes in AIR and Television on Eye care ,eye diseases etc.
Community Work
- Carapet Gold medal for securing 1st rank in the state for SSLC examination. Examiner for Dip NB Examination of National Board of Exams, Government of India and All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
- Director of The Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Thiruvananthapuram 199598
- Professor and Head of Dept of Ophthalmology, Medical College, Trivandrum 199298
- Chief Ophthalmic Surgeon, The Divya Prabha Eye Hospital, Trivandrum, since 1998
- Consultant Ophthalmologist at Sri Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Health Services Scheme and G.G.Hospital, Trivandrum
- Carapet Gold medal for securing 1st rank in the state for SSLC examination.
- Gold medallist for Final Year MBBS in Surgery
- WHO Fellowship Award in Ophthalmic Microsurgery in 1981 at: Moorfields Eye Hospital, London Kolinska hospital, Stockholm Aarhus Commune Hospital, Denmark.
- Knight of the blind award of Lions International
- Indian Red Cross Society Platinum Jubilee Award
- Sevana Ratna Award by Nethaji Smaraka Samithi
- Paul Harris fellow of Rotary International

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