Dr. Devin Prabhakar MS(Oph), DO, DNB, MNAMS, FRCS
Dr. Devin Prabhakar was selected as BEST DOCTOR in private sector by THE GOVERNMENT of KERALA for the year 2013. He did his MBBS from Trivandrum Medical College and MS in Ophthalmology from Regional Institute of Ophthalmology and FRCS from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
He was awarded Advanced Cataract Surgery Fellowship at Sankara Netralaya through the Sir Ratan Tata Foundation.
The following year he received the travelling fellowship award from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The fellowship was in Glaucoma surgery. He trained under Dr. Mike Birch at Royal Victoria Infirmary, New Castle, UK and Dr. Nitin Anand at Huddersfield, UK.
He was awarded Travel Grant by World Glaucoma Congress to present his work at The International Glaucoma Congress in Paris in 2011.
He is a member of American Academy of Ophthalmology and Fellow of Royal College of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow. He is an International Scholar of International Council of ophthalmology.
He has conducted programmes for the general public on Television channels (Asianet, Surya, Jai Hind and Kairali), on All India Radio and FM channels and published articles in newspapers and magazines.
He was invited by Government of Seychelles to take part in a Cataract Surgery camp to clear the backlog of patients. More than 100 cataract surgeries were done in a span of 3 days.
Specialties: Cataract surgery, Glaucoma Specialist, Clinical Trials in Ophthalmology

Professional Experience
- Consultant Ophthalmologist, Divya Prabha Eye Hospital since 2000.
- Managing Trustee, The Divya Prabha Medical Trust
- Faculty of Muthusamy Virtual University
- Sir Ratan Tata Fellow in Advanced Cataract Surgery, Sankara Netralaya, Chennai.
- Travelling Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and Glasgow in 2005. The training involved working at Royal Victoria Infirmary, New Castle, UK in Glaucoma Department under Dr. Mike Birch.
- Travel grant from World Glaucoma Association, Italy 2011
- Participated in Cataract Surgery Camp organized by Government of Seychelles and Lions Club in Victoria Hospital, Mahe. 100 cataract surgery patients were treated.
- FRCS Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- MNAMS National academy of Medical Sciences 2002
- DNB National Board of examinations, Delhi
- ICO International Council of Ophthalmology
- MS (Oph) Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Kerala
- DO Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Kerala
- MBBS Medical College Trivandrum, University of Kerala
Professional Bodies
- American Academy of Ophthalmology; member
- QPMPA: Secretary, Trivandrum Disctrict. Joint Secretary QPMPA Kerala
- Indian Medical Association: Joint Secretary, Trivandrum Branch
- IMA Kerala Medical Journal: Secretary.
- National Academy of Medical Sciences; Member
- Indian Ophthalmological Society; Member
- Kerala State Ophthalmological Society; Member
- Trivandrum Ophthalmic Club
- Sri Mulam Club
- IMA club
- Kerala Kyokushin Karate Association; Secretary
- Travelling Fellowship from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Sir Ratan Tata Fellowship in Advanced Cataract Surgery at Sankara Netralaya
- Best Secretary Award, QPMPA Kerala State 2013

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